At St. Anne’s, financial stewardship is an important part of an integrated part of our parish life. Together, we fund ministry within our parish, to the Conway community, and to the wider world. Our financial profile and donations show our continued commitment to feeding and providing support for those who are struggling within our community through our local soup kitchen and assistance programs. Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

Because we are a congregation of choice, our congregation is accustomed to making church through the gifts of our congregation. Our first meetings, and most of our social functions, are hosted in congregants’ homes, and our church building is decorated with demonstrations of stewardship of many kinds: the decorative glass windows, audio and video system, hand-crafted credence table, chalice and paten, processional cross, hymnal, and even the funds for the organ are donations from individuals within and outside our congregation.

Stewardship at St. Anne’s also includes giving gifts of expertise, from legal to technical, to help with the daily functions of the church and our missions. When we were assigned our first full-time rector, a congregant donated office space and facilities to allow Father Rob to provide parochial services and administrative support. We had many volunteers work to ensure that our new audio and video systems could work efficiently and effectively.

We look forward to expanding our stewardship campaign to document these non-monetary gifts and talents of our congregation. Our hope is that our new rector will work with the Vestry and congregation to renew our mission to one another and our community.