Newsletter & Prayer List

Congregant: Mary Jo Roberts

The newsletter is one of the principal forms of communication to our congregation. Alongside providing the weekly updates, the newsletter system provides our prayer list. The prayer list is a way to highlight the needs of St. Anne’s and her community. Suggestions from The Book of Common Prayer are included for a reflective practice.

Web and Social Media

Congregants: Mark Jordan and Alli Crandell

Today, St. Anne’s is represented on Instagram and Facebook. Our posts focus on the calendar of Saints, announcements about upcoming events, and celebrations within our congregation. We also stream our 10:00 a.m. Sunday Eucharist to Facebook and Zoom. After we resumed in-person services, our congregation remained healthy in 2022, mostly due to individuals finding our services online, and we still enjoy on average 20-25 parishioners in online attendance every Sunday, and many more who tune in after Sunday services are completed.

Social media is the easiest way to communicate with church members and those seeking a church to call home, and we are in the process of invigorating our social media outreach and digital presence to better integrate our communication strategies.

In the future, we hope to expand the social media program at St Anne’s to showcase our life, outreach, and services at St. Anne’s and find ways of educating our parishioners and community partners to share our posts to broaden our social reach.

We are actively working on moving website platforms in the first quarter of 2023, as well as integrating our online streaming services, hybrid education events, and newsletter to provide a comprehensive view of our congregation. Our mission in adjusting website content is to invite people who know little about St. Anne’s (confirmed by our most recent focus groups on community outreach) to safely engage with us online.